There's a lot of deception in the world. Not only in the mainstream media, but also in Christian communities (and practically all other communities). This leads to enormous confusion & deprivation of self. Yeshua Academy has anchored its faith in the Bible and tries to provide overview, motivation, inspiration & truth.
Truth is available for anyone who seeks
Who are we?
We are disciples of Jesus Christ. Because truth is our central focus, we are not related or bound to any denomination or tradition, other than to the Bible itself. We are born-again disciples in Christ. And as brothers and sisters in Christ, we preach the Word to all who have ears to hear.
What is Yeshua Academy?
Yeshua Academy is a platform by disciples of Jesus Christ from which we operate to spread the Word of God via online channels as well as offline. On this platform we share Bible studies, there is a possibility to get questions answered but also to provide information. Yeshua is the Hebrew name of Jesus and we are an academy because we do research for truth. On this platform we demonstrate as practically and concretely as possible, that the Bible is the book with the highest authority in existence.
What do we want to achieve?
We hold the believe that Jesus Christ is the way to the truth and that His return is imminent. For this reason we want to point out to as many people as possible the miraculous salvation from sin and the power of His Word. We all have the choice to follow His doctrine. That is why we proclaim His story in as diverse a way as possible and to as wide an audience as possible. After all, everyone relates to Jesus in a unique way.
Our vision is inspired by the Great Commandment Mat 22:34-40.
Our mission is based on the Great Commission Mat 28:18-20.
To prepare as many people as possible for the return of Jesus Christ.
Justice vs Polarization
We don't hold back and put our finger on the sore spot. The truth must be told. However, in these times we are unfortunately less able to distinguish personal accusations from impersonal but confrontational truth. We make an explicit distinction between the person and what the person believes. In other words, a lie remains a lie but someone who believes the lie is still always welcome and receives always our respect. However, we stand behind the truth, no matter how painful it may be. We are always striving for reconciliation for all those who seek truth. We curse the lie but not the liar. We dissociate ourselves from human polarizing beliefs but stand for righteous biblical truth.